初めまして!オランダ出身のポール コーレンと申します。2019年に長崎大学に5ヶ月間の留学経験があり、2021年にオランダのライデン大学の人文学部日本学科を卒業しました。現在は郡山市役所に国際交流員として勤めています。国際交流員というのは、様々な翻訳・通訳、またはイベントなどで、外国との絆、または相互理解を深めるような活動をします。なぜ日本に来たのか・この仕事を志望したのか、ここで少し話をさせていただきます。
ポール コーレン
My name is Paul Kolen, I’m 28 years old and I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I’m currently working as a Coordinator of International Relations (CIR) at Koriyama City Hall, where I’ll be staying for at least one to three years. My job as a CIR entails a variety of work, such as translating, interpreting and planning events, and with this job I hope to further strengthen the bonds between Koriyama City and the many foreign countries the city is connected with. I would like to take this opportunity to talk a bit about myself and explain why I came to Japan and why I wanted to do this work.
Ever since I was a little kid I had an unexplainable interest in Asia. At that time I was mostly interested in Chinese thinkers like Confucius, the food, the architecture and for some reason I also thought that dragons were very cool. However, I never really acted upon this interest outside of some self-study and when I graduated from high school I decided to start studying Psychology at Tilburg University because of my interest in the human brain and human behavior. Sadly, after a year I discovered that the part I found interesting was only just a small part of the entire study, and thus I decided to look for another bachelor that would interest me more. It just so happened that there was a Language Center at Tilburg University where students could enroll to learn a new language, and one of the options was Chinese. I decided to enroll for the Chinese course and managed to pass it with high grades, after which I decided I wanted to continue studying Chinese. This is how I stumbled upon the bachelor Chinastudies at Leiden University, the oldest university of the Netherlands with the biggest collection of East-Asian works. Learning a completely new language in just three years proved to be a big challenge, and I decided to postpone my graduation by a year to allow myself more time to study. However, since I already finished most courses I had a lot of free time.
This is how I started studying Japanstudies in 2017, which completely changed my life. Just before the new schoolyear started I started watching anime at the recommendation of a friend, and I was instantly hooked by the vibrant colors, passionate voice acting and the Japanese cultural elements in the shows that I watched. Up until that point I never really noticed how interesting Japan was, and I got extremely motivated to start studying Japanese.
It turned out that the entire bachelor surpassed my expectations. From the very first class I fell in love with the language and strongly felt that I finally found that one thing I had been looking for my entire life. Shortly after, I made the tough decision to once again officially change my bachelor and there hasn’t been one day where I regretted that decision.
My efforts during my study earned me a place to study abroad at Nagasaki University for five months during my second year. This was the first time I came to Japan and I was lucky to have met a lot of wonderful people. This period in my life became extra special because it was the year the Emperor of Japan abdicated the throne and I was also asked to feature in a documentary for the local TV-station of Nagasaki, KTN Television, where I would play the role of Philipp Franz von Siebold, a physician and botanist that played an important role in Dutch-Japanese relations in Nagasaki. It turned out that a folding screen of the bay of Nagasaki was discovered in Leiden and they were planning on making a documentary about the painter, Kawahara Keiga.
When I went back to the Netherlands after my time in Nagasaki I was determined to find a job in Japan after my graduation, and I was hired as a student assistant of Japanstudies at Leiden University in my final year of the bachelor. During this part time job I learned the joys of being able to talk about and explain things about Japan to others. All these experiences got me interested in Dutch-Japanese relations and got me to where I am today.
Looking back at my life has made me realize that I’ve been connected with Japan much longer than I first thought. My first memory from my childhood is me getting a purple GameBoy Color with Pokémon Gold in it for my birthday (which I still have), something to which I also owe my current level of English proficiency. It also turned out that most of the television shows I watched as a kid were made and produced in Japan, as were the games I loved when I was a teenager. To put it into different words; the things that I enjoyed most in my life all came from Japan. If you think about it like that it almost feels as if I was meant to come to Japan and work here, and having reached that goal is something I’m thankful for every day. All the people I’ve met so far doing this work have been so extremely nice and understanding that it still feels as if I’m dreaming. My Japanese is far from perfect and I still have much to learn, but I will do my very best as a Coordinator of International Relations. If there is anything I can help with, please feel free to contact me at the City Hall!
Paul Kolen