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現在地 トップページ > 組織でさがす > 文化スポーツ部 > 国際政策課 > 外国人向け / Information for foreigners


外国人向け / Information for foreigners

ページID:0077672 更新日:2024年7月17日更新 印刷ページ表示


Coronavirus vaccination / コロナウイルスのワクチンについて

If you want to receive a coronavirus vaccination, you can make a reservation at a hospital after you have received the "新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種に関するお知らせ" letter from the City Hall. If you haven't received this letter, you have to apply for one by filling in the form after scanning the below QR-code or by calling 0120-567-362 (Japanese only). If you cannot apply by yourself, our staff at the International Salon on the second floor of the City Hall will be able to help you. 




Japanese Class / 日本語講座

en en

Vietnamese version

Tagalog version

Chinese version

Registration link / 申し込みリンク: Google Form<外部リンク>

Japanese Private Lesson / 日本語 プライベート レッスン

For information about Japanese private lessons please visit the International Salon on the second floor of the main building of the City Hall.


Daily life information / 生活情報

The International Policy Division at the City Hall has put together a manual that might be helpful when you are having difficulties with everyday life things such as taxes, child care, preparing for emergencies etc. 



Daily Life Information Website

International Salon / 国際交流サロン

The International Salon is a room located on the second floor of the main building of the City Hall where you can rest and ask for help regarding procedures at the City Hall. An English-speaking staff member is available to help foreigners that can't speak Japanese.


International Salon Website / 国際交流サロンのウェブサイト

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