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How to dispose of garbage

ページID:0031783 更新日:2023年7月10日更新 印刷ページ表示

In Japan garbage disposal rules vary depending on where you live.
Ask your neighbors or the City Hall where and when to dispose of your garbage .

Koriyama’s garbage separation rules

Please visit this website for information on how to dispose of your garbage.


  • Garbage should be properly separated and disposed of on the designated day and location. Garbage that is disposed of on the wrong day or at the wrong location will not be collected.
  • Your garbage should be put out between 6 and 8 am on the day of collection.
  • No later than 7 am at Ekimae 1 and 2-chome, Nakamachi, and Omachi 1-chome
  • Disposed items are not to be removed from their location.

3R Promotion Division

Asahi 1-23-7
Koriyama 963-8601
Tel: 024-924-2181


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